
David Crawford 20-10-2023
David Crawford




See_also: 12件在恩尼斯可做的最好的事(以及附近大量可看的地方)


左图:谷歌地图。 其他:Shutterstock



这是一个方便的工具,可以藏在你的口袋里。 只要打开它,放大你在丁格尔的任何地方,你会发现附近有无数的事情可以做。

2.什么是 "值得访问 "将是主观的

无尽的 在丁格尔,我们把所有的主要景点都放在这张地图上。 这里有各种观点、付费博物馆和酒厂以及我们认为的 "噱头 "景点。 下面丁格尔地图上的所有自然景点都值得一游。 你需要自己决定其他东西是否值得一游。

See_also: 参观卡谢尔岩石的指南:历史、旅游及更多内容

3. "必做 "事项

如果你在下面的丁格尔半岛地图上只做一件事,那就应该是斯莱海德路(Slea Head Drive)。 这是一条为期半天的公路旅行路线,将半岛的精华尽收眼底。 虽然它很容易遵循,但我们也在下面添加了一张路线地图。

4. 免责声明

你会发现下面的丁格尔地图上有一些地方。 虽然我们已经尽了最大的努力来确定这些地方的确切位置,但很可能有些地方稍有偏差,所以一定要小心谨慎。


你会注意到在我们的丁格尔地图上有三种不同的颜色指针。 下面是每一种颜色的代表:

  • 黄色:丁格尔的各种海滩
  • 红色:不同的城镇和村庄
  • 绿色:主要景点和观景台


我们的第二张丁格尔半岛地图概述了辉煌的斯莱海德路(Slea Head Drive),它从丁格尔镇热闹的街道开始。




这些年来,我们有很多问题,从 "哪张地图最适合第一次来的人?"到 "哪些景点是必须要去的?"。

在下面的部分,我们把我们收到的最多的常见问题解答放进去了。 如果你有一个我们没有解决的问题,请在下面的评论部分提问。





David Crawford

Jeremy Cruz is an avid traveler and adventure seeker with a passion for exploring the rich and vibrant landscapes of Ireland. Born and raised in Dublin, Jeremy's deep-rooted connection to his homeland has fueled his desire to share its natural beauty and historical treasures with the world.Having spent countless hours uncovering hidden gems and iconic landmarks, Jeremy has acquired an extensive knowledge of the stunning road trips and travel destinations that Ireland has to offer. His dedication to providing detailed and comprehensive travel guides is driven by his belief that everyone should have the opportunity to experience the mesmerizing allure of the Emerald Isle.Jeremy's expertise in crafting ready-made road trips ensures that travelers can fully immerse themselves in the breathtaking scenery, vibrant culture, and enchanting history that make Ireland so unforgettable. His carefully curated itineraries cater to different interests and preferences, whether it be exploring ancient castles, delving into Irish folklore, indulging in traditional cuisine, or simply basking in the charm of quaint villages.With his blog, Jeremy aims to empower adventurers from all walks of life to embark on their own memorable journeys through Ireland, armed with the knowledge and confidence to navigate its diverse landscapes and embrace its warm and hospitable people. His informative andengaging writing style invites readers to join him on this incredible voyage of discovery, as he weaves captivating stories and shares invaluable tips to enhance the travel experience.Through Jeremy's blog, readers can expect to find not only meticulously planned road trips and travel guides but also unique insights into Ireland's rich history, traditions, and the remarkable stories that have shaped its identity. Whether you are a seasoned traveler or a first-time visitor, Jeremy's passion for Ireland and his commitment to empowering others to explore its wonders will undoubtedly inspire and guide you on your own unforgettable adventure.