
David Crawford 20-10-2023
David Crawford



你会发现基拉尼露营(Killarney Glamping)是一个豪华的情侣专用露营地,距离基拉尼的许多顶级景点仅一箭之遥。

在这里过夜的人可以期待有一个豪华(和舒适)的房间过夜,可以看到山景和很多东西。 这里有你需要知道的一切。


关于Killarney Glamping at the Grove的一些快速的需要了解的信息

图片来源:Killarney Glamping at the Grove

因此,在格罗夫的基拉尼露营之行是非常直接的(而且也非常有价值!),但在你点击 "预订 "之前,有一些事情值得了解。




基拉尼露营是一个 "仅限情侣 "的目的地,所以你不必担心孩子们会在这里跑来跑去。 虽然你可能会有成年人在从基拉尼众多酒吧中的一个晚上回来的路上在这里跑来跑去。


在基拉尼露营有两种不同的选择--豪华小屋或浪漫露营套房。 两者都精心布置了你所需要的一切,让你度过一个与众不同的周末(下文有更多介绍)。

4. 每晚的粗略费用

在基拉尼露营每晚的费用因星期和时间的不同而不同。 在打字时,露营套房的价格为79至99欧元,小屋的价格为95至109欧元(价格可能会变化)。

See_also: 布雷最好的17件事情(以及附近大量的景点)。


图片来源:Killarney Glamping at the Grove


See_also: 阿斯隆的肖恩酒吧:爱尔兰最古老的酒吧(可能也是世界上最古老的)。


因此,你可以花一天时间探索该地区(这里有一份关于基拉尼可做的事情的指南),晚上在你时髦的住宿中放松一下。 这里有两个选择。

方案1: 浪漫的露营套房

图片来源:Killarney Glamping at the Grove



  • 宽敞的卧室里有一张双人床、电热毯和棕毯。
  • 一个私人庭院区(配有暖气)。
  • 一个私人遮蔽的厨房(室外),有一个烧烤炉、一个燃气灶、一个小冰箱、一个水槽和一个座位区。
  • 一个私人套房浴室,配有水槽、马桶和淋浴。




  • 一间大小适中的卧室,有一张特大号床,电热毯和硬木地板。
  • 全程中央供暖
  • 一个厨房,配备了你所需要的一切,供你自炊。
  • 一套完整的套房式浴室
  • 在您的豪华小屋旁边有一个私人的遮蔽式燃气烧烤炉。




  • 最好的基拉尼住宿:11个华丽的住宿地点
  • 独特的基拉尼Airbnb:你可以租用8个古怪的格子间
  • 基拉尼最好的酒店:一份适合各种预算的指南

David Crawford

Jeremy Cruz is an avid traveler and adventure seeker with a passion for exploring the rich and vibrant landscapes of Ireland. Born and raised in Dublin, Jeremy's deep-rooted connection to his homeland has fueled his desire to share its natural beauty and historical treasures with the world.Having spent countless hours uncovering hidden gems and iconic landmarks, Jeremy has acquired an extensive knowledge of the stunning road trips and travel destinations that Ireland has to offer. His dedication to providing detailed and comprehensive travel guides is driven by his belief that everyone should have the opportunity to experience the mesmerizing allure of the Emerald Isle.Jeremy's expertise in crafting ready-made road trips ensures that travelers can fully immerse themselves in the breathtaking scenery, vibrant culture, and enchanting history that make Ireland so unforgettable. His carefully curated itineraries cater to different interests and preferences, whether it be exploring ancient castles, delving into Irish folklore, indulging in traditional cuisine, or simply basking in the charm of quaint villages.With his blog, Jeremy aims to empower adventurers from all walks of life to embark on their own memorable journeys through Ireland, armed with the knowledge and confidence to navigate its diverse landscapes and embrace its warm and hospitable people. His informative andengaging writing style invites readers to join him on this incredible voyage of discovery, as he weaves captivating stories and shares invaluable tips to enhance the travel experience.Through Jeremy's blog, readers can expect to find not only meticulously planned road trips and travel guides but also unique insights into Ireland's rich history, traditions, and the remarkable stories that have shaped its identity. Whether you are a seasoned traveler or a first-time visitor, Jeremy's passion for Ireland and his commitment to empowering others to explore its wonders will undoubtedly inspire and guide you on your own unforgettable adventure.