
David Crawford 20-10-2023
David Crawford

I 如果你经常访问这个网站,你知道我经常骂人。 尝试 我只是倾向于用我说话的方式来打字...。

也就是说,我很少在文章标题中骂人。 但我为这篇破例了。 因为爱尔兰最闹鬼的城堡背后的故事是......极其糟糕的。




在奥法利郡(County Offaly)罗斯克里(Roscrea)以北6公里处的一个叫库尔德里(Coolderry)的小镇上,你会发现Leap Castle。 从各方面来看,它在那里存在了多长时间是可以讨论的。

有人说,该城堡建于12世纪。 其他网站和新闻机构声称,它建得更晚,在15世纪。



Leap城堡最初被命名为 "Leim Ui Bhanain",译为 "奥班农的跳跃"。 根据传说,奥班农的两个兄弟在争夺他们部族的两个领袖。

大家决定,解决分歧的唯一办法是展示勇气。 两兄弟都要从准备建造飞跃城堡的岩石上跳下去。




Leap城堡有几个血腥的故事。 我在下面挑出三个,因为它们特别可怕,并倾向于支持Leaps作为爱尔兰最闹鬼城堡的说法。

第一个故事是 "红女士 "的故事,据说她拿着用来自杀的匕首,不安分地在城堡里出没。

第二个是城堡中被称为 "乌布利特 "的特征。 这是一个暗室,数百人被扔在那里,任其死亡。

第三个是血腥教堂的故事。 在这里,奥卡罗尔家族的一个人在做弥撒时谋杀了他的兄弟。 人们多次看到他的鬼魂潜伏在阴影里。


跃进堡中让我胃口大开的故事是 "红女士 "的故事。 根据传说,她被奥卡罗尔家族的一名成员抓住并被囚禁。

据说她被奥卡罗尔家的一些人殴打,并生下了他们的一个孩子。 这让奥卡罗尔家很不高兴,他们说他们养不起另一张嘴。


多年来,许多人都见过红衣女郎。 她被描述为一个身穿红衣的高个子女人。 据说她带着用来夺走她孩子的匕首在飞跃城堡中移动。


卧房是位于血腥小教堂的一个角落里的小房间。 它最初的用途是储存贵重物品,但在被围困的情况下也可以作为藏身之地。

然而,这个小房间有更邪恶的用途。 奥卡罗尔家族对这个房间进行了改造,将其变成了一个小地牢,他们在那里投掷囚犯。 这里是更糟糕的地方......

ubliette "这个名字来自法语 "忘记"。 一旦奥卡罗尔家族将某人扔进密室,他们就会被遗忘。

See_also: 康纳通道:爱尔兰最恐怖道路的有力竞争者

这间密室直到20世纪初进行翻修时才被发现。 照顾城堡的人发现了一个隐藏的密室,据说里面有数百具骷髅。


据报道,血腥小教堂是飞跃城堡许多游魂的家。 显然,许多天黑后经过城堡的人都看到有亮光从上面的窗户倾泻而出。

See_also: 爱尔兰汽车炸弹饮料配方:成分,步骤+警告


据说牧师在该兄弟到达之前就开始了弥撒,这被视为是一种非常不尊重的表现。 该兄弟就在小教堂里谋杀了牧师。





David Crawford

Jeremy Cruz is an avid traveler and adventure seeker with a passion for exploring the rich and vibrant landscapes of Ireland. Born and raised in Dublin, Jeremy's deep-rooted connection to his homeland has fueled his desire to share its natural beauty and historical treasures with the world.Having spent countless hours uncovering hidden gems and iconic landmarks, Jeremy has acquired an extensive knowledge of the stunning road trips and travel destinations that Ireland has to offer. His dedication to providing detailed and comprehensive travel guides is driven by his belief that everyone should have the opportunity to experience the mesmerizing allure of the Emerald Isle.Jeremy's expertise in crafting ready-made road trips ensures that travelers can fully immerse themselves in the breathtaking scenery, vibrant culture, and enchanting history that make Ireland so unforgettable. His carefully curated itineraries cater to different interests and preferences, whether it be exploring ancient castles, delving into Irish folklore, indulging in traditional cuisine, or simply basking in the charm of quaint villages.With his blog, Jeremy aims to empower adventurers from all walks of life to embark on their own memorable journeys through Ireland, armed with the knowledge and confidence to navigate its diverse landscapes and embrace its warm and hospitable people. His informative andengaging writing style invites readers to join him on this incredible voyage of discovery, as he weaves captivating stories and shares invaluable tips to enhance the travel experience.Through Jeremy's blog, readers can expect to find not only meticulously planned road trips and travel guides but also unique insights into Ireland's rich history, traditions, and the remarkable stories that have shaped its identity. Whether you are a seasoned traveler or a first-time visitor, Jeremy's passion for Ireland and his commitment to empowering others to explore its wonders will undoubtedly inspire and guide you on your own unforgettable adventure.