Fionn Mac Cumhaill和知识的三文鱼的传说

David Crawford 20-10-2023
David Crawford

T 菲昂-麦克-库姆海尔和知识三文鱼的传说是爱尔兰神话中最受欢迎的故事之一。

它讲述了一个年轻的菲昂-麦克-库姆希尔的故事,在他成为Fianna领袖之前的许多年里。 这一切都始于他被一位著名的诗人收为学徒的时候。


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现在,我想从头说起--就像爱尔兰民间传说中的许多故事一样,"知识的鲑鱼 "的故事有许多不同版本。

我下面要讲的这个故事是在我还是个孩子的时候告诉我的,已经超过25年了。 天啊,25年......这真是一个令人沮丧的想法!我想,这就是我的故事!


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在一个阳光明媚的春天的早晨,菲安和老诗人坐在博因河边。 当他们坐在水面上,双脚悬空的时候,菲内加斯向菲安讲述了知识鲑鱼的故事。

这个故事是由一个老德鲁伊(凯尔特人的牧师)传给菲尼加斯的。 德鲁伊解释说,有一种鲑鱼生活在河水的阴暗处。

听起来很正常,对吗? 好吧,这里的情节更加复杂。 德鲁伊认为,鲑鱼是一种神奇的爱尔兰民间传说中的生物,它吞食了生长在河边的一棵神奇的榛子树上的几个坚果。

一旦坚果开始在鱼腹中消化,世界的智慧就会被赋予它。 这里是引发费恩兴趣的部分--费内加斯说,德鲁伊相信吃了鲑鱼的人将获得其知识。






菲尼迦斯把鱼给了费恩,并让他为自己做饭。 诗人为这一刻等待了多年,他担心这个小男孩会背叛他。

他告诉费恩,在任何情况下,他都不能吃哪怕是最细小的鱼片。 费内加斯离开了,因为他需要去家里拿东西。


三文鱼已经煮了好几分钟了,这时费恩决定把它翻过来,以确保它彻底煮熟。 当他这样做时,他的左手拇指从肉上瞥了一眼。



当菲尼加斯回来时,他知道出了问题。 他问菲安发生了什么事,一切都被揭穿了。 诗人花了一点时间来思考,他告诉菲安,他必须吃下这条鱼,看看他是否能获得它的智慧。

Fionn匆匆忙忙地吞下了鱼,但什么也没发生。 迫于无奈,Fionn决定再次把他的拇指伸进嘴里,这时一切都变了。


大马哈鱼给予费恩的智慧使他成为爱尔兰最聪明的人。 费恩长大后成为我们今天所知的伟大的古代战士。

阅读更多来自菲昂-马克-库姆海尔(Fionn Mac Cumhaill)的众多冒险故事,或者查看我们的指南,了解爱尔兰民间传说中最令人毛骨悚然的五个故事。

David Crawford

Jeremy Cruz is an avid traveler and adventure seeker with a passion for exploring the rich and vibrant landscapes of Ireland. Born and raised in Dublin, Jeremy's deep-rooted connection to his homeland has fueled his desire to share its natural beauty and historical treasures with the world.Having spent countless hours uncovering hidden gems and iconic landmarks, Jeremy has acquired an extensive knowledge of the stunning road trips and travel destinations that Ireland has to offer. His dedication to providing detailed and comprehensive travel guides is driven by his belief that everyone should have the opportunity to experience the mesmerizing allure of the Emerald Isle.Jeremy's expertise in crafting ready-made road trips ensures that travelers can fully immerse themselves in the breathtaking scenery, vibrant culture, and enchanting history that make Ireland so unforgettable. His carefully curated itineraries cater to different interests and preferences, whether it be exploring ancient castles, delving into Irish folklore, indulging in traditional cuisine, or simply basking in the charm of quaint villages.With his blog, Jeremy aims to empower adventurers from all walks of life to embark on their own memorable journeys through Ireland, armed with the knowledge and confidence to navigate its diverse landscapes and embrace its warm and hospitable people. His informative andengaging writing style invites readers to join him on this incredible voyage of discovery, as he weaves captivating stories and shares invaluable tips to enhance the travel experience.Through Jeremy's blog, readers can expect to find not only meticulously planned road trips and travel guides but also unique insights into Ireland's rich history, traditions, and the remarkable stories that have shaped its identity. Whether you are a seasoned traveler or a first-time visitor, Jeremy's passion for Ireland and his commitment to empowering others to explore its wonders will undoubtedly inspire and guide you on your own unforgettable adventure.