
David Crawford 20-10-2023
David Crawford



在下面的指南中,我们将向你介绍一个简单的配方,帮助你在家里调出一个经典的爱尔兰酸饮料。 潜入其中吧

See_also: Tourmakeady瀑布之路:梅奥的一小片天堂




1.你不 使用Jameson

这是一款爱尔兰酸酒,所以任何好的爱尔兰威士忌品牌(如Dingle)都可以。 然而,我建议你在喝这杯酒时避免使用任何含泥威士忌。

2.没有鸡尾酒杯吗? 没问题!

这款鸡尾酒需要摇晃一下。 如果你家里有鸡尾酒摇晃器,那太好了。 如果你没有,一个蛋白质摇晃器就可以了。 如果你需要买一个,它们也很好,很便宜。

See_also: 我们的凯里环线自驾指南(包括地图上的站点+公路旅行行程)。

我们的 爱尔兰酸味 成分


我们的詹姆森威士忌酸酒的原料大部分都很简单。 你可能需要在网上订购的唯一部分是安格斯图拉苦味剂。 以下是你需要的东西:

  • 50毫升詹姆森威士忌
  • 15毫升的蛋清
  • 25毫升柠檬汁
  • 15毫升的简单糖浆
  • 3点安古斯特拉苦味剂
  • 冰块


一旦你手头有了原料,我们的詹姆森威士忌酸酒配方就很容易准备和混合在一起。 以下是你需要遵循的步骤:


我们对所有的爱尔兰鸡尾酒都推荐这样做。 你要在倒入饮料之前冷却你的杯子。 一个简单的方法是把杯子放在冰箱里10-15分钟。

你也可以在里面装上冰块,然后静置一段时间。 只要确保让它冷却,直到倒出的时候。


现在是时候组装你的爱尔兰酸饮料了。 3/4的冰块填满你的鸡尾酒调酒器(记住,如果你喜欢,你可以使用蛋白调酒器)。

加入50毫升詹姆士酒,25毫升新鲜柠檬汁,15毫升简单糖浆,15毫升蛋清和3点你的安格斯图拉苦味剂。 用力摇晃,直到你感觉到冰开始破碎。


然后你需要 应变 你可以用柠檬捻来装饰你的杯子(如果你不知道那是什么,请看上面的照片),你就可以开始摇滚了。



想品尝一下像爱尔兰酸酒这样的其他鸡尾酒吗? 这里有一些我们最受欢迎的饮料指南,可以跳进去:

  • 最佳圣帕特里克节饮品:17种简单+美味的圣帕特里克节鸡尾酒
  • 18种易于制作的传统爱尔兰鸡尾酒(而且非常美味)
  • 这个周末,14种美味的詹姆士鸡尾酒值得一试
  • 15款爱尔兰威士忌鸡尾酒将挑逗你的味觉
  • 17种最美味的爱尔兰饮料(从爱尔兰啤酒到爱尔兰琴酒)。


多年来,我们有很多问题,从 "哪种詹姆森威士忌酸酒配方的热量最低?"到 "哪种詹姆森酸酒最容易制作?"。

在下面的部分,我们把我们收到的最多的常见问题解答放进去了。 如果你有一个我们没有解决的问题,请在下面的评论部分提问。




先将玻璃杯冷却,然后将威士忌、蛋清、新鲜柠檬汁、简单糖浆和苦味剂加入装有冰块的调酒器中。 摇匀,过滤后饮用。

David Crawford

Jeremy Cruz is an avid traveler and adventure seeker with a passion for exploring the rich and vibrant landscapes of Ireland. Born and raised in Dublin, Jeremy's deep-rooted connection to his homeland has fueled his desire to share its natural beauty and historical treasures with the world.Having spent countless hours uncovering hidden gems and iconic landmarks, Jeremy has acquired an extensive knowledge of the stunning road trips and travel destinations that Ireland has to offer. His dedication to providing detailed and comprehensive travel guides is driven by his belief that everyone should have the opportunity to experience the mesmerizing allure of the Emerald Isle.Jeremy's expertise in crafting ready-made road trips ensures that travelers can fully immerse themselves in the breathtaking scenery, vibrant culture, and enchanting history that make Ireland so unforgettable. His carefully curated itineraries cater to different interests and preferences, whether it be exploring ancient castles, delving into Irish folklore, indulging in traditional cuisine, or simply basking in the charm of quaint villages.With his blog, Jeremy aims to empower adventurers from all walks of life to embark on their own memorable journeys through Ireland, armed with the knowledge and confidence to navigate its diverse landscapes and embrace its warm and hospitable people. His informative andengaging writing style invites readers to join him on this incredible voyage of discovery, as he weaves captivating stories and shares invaluable tips to enhance the travel experience.Through Jeremy's blog, readers can expect to find not only meticulously planned road trips and travel guides but also unique insights into Ireland's rich history, traditions, and the remarkable stories that have shaped its identity. Whether you are a seasoned traveler or a first-time visitor, Jeremy's passion for Ireland and his commitment to empowering others to explore its wonders will undoubtedly inspire and guide you on your own unforgettable adventure.